Everyone knows that as soon as holiday decoration come out, there is a mad rush of family and friend gatherings, shopping, and more. The holiday season can be so crazy especially for small businesses. We wanted to give you some helpful tips that may help you with your bookkeeping around the holiday rush.
Start Now
When the holidays are near, we all know we want to push the bookkeeping side of the business and focus on our customers, products / services. Our best advice is start now so you aren’t compeltely overwhelmed later. That means run your inventory checks regularly, and plan your promotions and discounts ahead of time. This will help immensly when look at your books later.
Take Advantage Of Software
Don’t spend more of your time logging everything by hand. Using accounting software like Quickbooks can help you with catalogging your inventory, tracking how well the business is doing and what is selling, and even accounts payable and receivable. It’s all in one to make your life a little easier.
Stay Organized
Keeping up with the books can be a daunting task. Our advice is to do at least one accounting task a day, by the end of the holidays you should be well on your way to preparing for the upcoming tax season!
If you have any questions or would like to know what the Kael Company Inc. can do for your business, we would love to talk and see how we can best help you!